The Condensed Version of My Trip from Kenya to Colorado.

"...Sometimes, the worst of trips can still turn out to be for the better--at least, financially. A year before he came to BFA, Mr. Curtis McCorkle set out for the States from Kenya where he had been teaching for a year. His self-made itinerary was very complicated, including a stop in Amsterdam, a side trip to Turkey, and multiple layovers in Newark and Denver before finally ending in Portland, Oregon. On his flight to Newark, he read in the newspaper that he had decided to pick up even though it was something he had never done before, that Vanguard Airlines had gone bankrupt. He did not see this as a problem, though he had a Vanguard flight from Newark to Denver. After a night with his mission and time on the internet checking new flights and what airlines would help with Vanguard ticket holders, he arrived at Newark and decided to use his Vanguard ticket to get a Delta ticket instead. Then the trouble began. The Vanguard ticket he had bought was not a 'physical' ticket. Delta would not trade in e-booked tickets. Mr. McCorkle was stuck at the counter for hours looking for possible solutions and the workers at the ticket counter were not much help. There were many people helping and many sticky problems and a few phone calls with 'they shouldn't have done that.' At last he gave up and proceeded to an ATA counter where he found a flight to Denver that would cost even less than his original Vanguard flight. A delighted Mr. McCorkle quickly replaced his old ticket that would have cost $140.00, and after going through two 'randomly' selected searches, finally began the second to last leg of his journey home. Because of all the mix up, his new ticket from Newark to Colorado was only $100."

Well, ya gotta go easy on the kids... They had better stories from other people...