Top 10 Most Peculiar Things You'll Encounter, Living As A Foreigner In Israel: #7

  1. Number 1
  2. Number 2
  3. Number 3
  4. Number 4
  5. Number 5
  6. Number 6

  7. So many people are so concerned about following so many rules.  And not only do they not know where the rules came from (which, incidentally, was usually not the Bible), but they typically don’t have any thought toward, nor confidence in the God for whom the rules are supposedly instituted.

  8. The emergency vehicles (police cars, ambulances, military jeeps ... you know) - they always have their emergency lights on.  [When they're actually serious, then they turn on the siren, too.]
  9. Garbage, garbage, garbage.  Everywhere you look, people have thrown garbage there!
  10. The shopping:  Little tiny stores. The open air market is significant to the economy of even the biggest cities.  “Mall?  What’s a mall?”